Psychologist Joshua Shuman on When to Consider Crisis Intervention

Joshua Shuman Psychologist

Joshua Shuman is a psychologist who has experience in crisis intervention. One of the most difficult decisions a person can make is judging the correct time to intervene on behalf of a loved one. As a psychologist, Josh Shuman understands that many people think a crisis intervention takes place in a life-or-death situation. However, there are times when a crisis intervention should take place before a situation grows that dire.

Children and teens often need crisis intervention more than their adult counterparts. Crisis intervention becomes a necessity when someone is struggling to regulate their emotions and that results in out-of-control behavior. This out-of-control behavior can put a person, as well as those around them, in danger. As a psychologist, Josh Shuman believes a few signs that a person needs a crisis intervention include:

  • Rapid mood swings
  • Expressing a desire for self-harm
  • Committing self-destructive behaviors
  • Frequent crying
  • Sleeping all the time
  • Failing to sleep
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Complaining of immense physical discomfort

While it is true that most people in need of crisis intervention will have gone through a traumatic event, there are some people who don’t have just one issue that causes a problem but rather a compilation of events that leads to a crisis situation. People who need professional help will often not have developed problem-solving skills that allow them to regulate intense emotions. Veterans of warfare will often need professional guidance because they are unable to manage and regulate the intense emotions that stem from violence they witnessed during their active duty. Situations that they thought they processed a while ago can be triggered without warning. This is why it is so important that all returning heroes understand that there are professional resources available to them.

When crisis intervention takes place, Josh Shuman, as a psychologist, will look to help the person connect to something bigger than themselves. A person can go through a crisis when exposed to a different worldview. Sheltered children can go through this when exposed to scenarios that go against what they experienced throughout their childhood. Strong senses of physical or mental distress can also occur when a person who has been regularly taking medication either loses access to their medication or decides to quit on their own. It’s important to have the guidance of a medical professional in these scenarios as chemical imbalances can lead to a person experiencing a crisis.

The time to connect with a psychologist like Josh Shuman comes when a person feels their loved one is an immediate danger to themselves or others. All people have basic emotional needs, and all people need to feel safe in their physical environment. Those looking to help a younger person avoid the need for crisis intervention down the road should look to help guide a person towards their purpose. Having healthy goals is a great way to stay connected and grounded. Everyone needs a sense of direction, whether it be a career, a commitment to spiritual growth, or any other health goal, the act of goal setting and sticking to it can help lessen the likelihood of crisis intervention being needed.

It’s never too late to turn a life around. Whether it be a psychologist or another mental health professional, there are resources available to anyone who needs to speak with someone about their problems.

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