Psychologist Josh Shuman on Warning Signs That The Veteran in Your Life Needs Mental Health Services

Joshua Shuman Psychologist

Josh Shuman is a psychologist who has a lot of experience working with our military veterans. The American military has been at war with terrorism since the 9/11 attacks. With two decades of continuous war, there are ramifications for the brave men and women who serve in the military. It is very common for military veterans to have a tough time returning to civilian life.

As a psychologist who has conducted mental health evaluations, diagnosed mental health disorders, and provided treatment to veterans in need, Joshua Shuman knows that countless American families want to make sure that their loved one who served in the military is getting the mental health treatment they need. In today’s blog, Josh Shuman will discuss some of the signs that a Vet could benefit from seeing a licensed psychologist and what to do when these signs are evident.

Joshua Shuman notes that warning signs can pop up even years after a military veteran has returned home. Loved ones can help protect the veteran in their life by recognizing warning signs like:

  • Increased Irritability and Anger
  • Signs of Isolation or Hopelessness
  • Loss of Interest in Activities They Enjoy
  • Difficulty Eating
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Increased Alcohol Consumption
  • Struggling to Maintain Healthy Relationships

Joshua Shuman notes that identifying that a veteran may need assistance is only half the battle. Most family members dread asking their loved one if they could use the help of a psychologist. Because veterans come from the worlds’ greatest fighting force on the planet, it can be difficult for them to seek out help. There’s a natural pride and self-reliance that needs to be overcome. Military veterans need to be convinced that asking for help is a sign of strength rather than a sign of weakness, but a friend or family matter coming across like they are forcing the issue can do more harm than good.

The best thing a family member or loved one can do for a veteran in distress is to make it clear that they are there to listen. When listening, be sure to make it clear that there’s no judgment or attempt to fix the problem. By starting the process by listening, it becomes a lot easier to suggest of seeking help as it is clearly coming from a place of love and compassion.

Joshua Shuman applauds anyone taking the time to look up ways they can help the veteran in their life as educating oneself regarding the things a veteran may be concerned about is an essential step to the process This educational process will often show that an individual can do more for a veteran by listening than they can by actively seeking a medical professional on behalf of the individual. When a loved one has listened and shown compassion, the loved one may best respond to something along the lines of “I will be happy to help, but I realize how you solve the problem is up to you.” This will often lead to a veteran asking for advice, which can lead to a conversation about the benefits of seeing a psychologist like Josh Shuman.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. If you believe that your loved one is a danger to themselves or the people around them, it’s time to seek immediate assistance. Joshua Shuman recommends calling The Veterans Crisis Line. The Veterans Crisis Line (800-273-8255, press #1) can provide immediate help in determining whether there is a crisis and dealing with it.

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