Psychologist Joshua Shuman on When to Consider Crisis Intervention

Joshua Shuman is a psychologist who has experience in crisis intervention. One of the most difficult decisions a person can make is judging the correct time to intervene on behalf of a loved one. As a psychologist, Josh Shuman understands that many people think a crisis intervention takes place in a life-or-death situation. However, there… Continue reading Psychologist Joshua Shuman on When to Consider Crisis Intervention

Psychologist Josh Shuman on The Biggest Threats to a Child’s Mental Health

Josh Shuman is a psychologist who believes we are currently experiencing an unprecedented time in mental health issues amongst younger generations. Statistics were troubling before the COVID-19 pandemic, and they have only gotten worse in terms of suicide and depression rates in children. As a psychologist, Josh Shuman wants as many people to get the… Continue reading Psychologist Josh Shuman on The Biggest Threats to a Child’s Mental Health